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Welcome to this family tree

This database contains the data of 2,672 persons.

At the top of each page you will find two lines:
one consisting of reports about a person and one consisting of global reports.

By clicking one of the blocks either the corresponding report will be displayed,
or you will see a listing on a following page where reports belonging to this category may be chosen from.
By clicking the button Preferences you may adapt the reports to your own liking.

Reports about a person are always related to the latest selected person.
At this moment this person is Hendrik Bulsink.

For supplementary explanation click Help in the menu bar above.

To enter the dynamic family tree click one of the other blocks.

In case you might have additional information or other remarks to improve the family tree,
please send this information to Gé Klein Wolterink.

Database generated on 29-08-2023

FleXiTree version 1.15